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Connecticut Clean Cities Collaboative

Craig Peters


860 306 6453

CT Southwestern Area Clean Cities Coalition 

Daphne Dixon


203 536 4695

Paul Wessel


203 410 8018

Become a Stakeholder! 

Contact us and learn how you can become a Connecticut Southwestern Area Clean Cities Coalition Stakeholder and support the Clean Cities Mission!

Argonne National Lab developed the Alternative Fuel Life-Cycle Environmental and Economic Transportation (AFLEET) Tool to help stakeholders estimate petroleum use, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, air pollutant emissions, and cost of ownership of light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles.

Contact us to learn more about fleet analysis. 

Electric Charging Station

Partner with us on an Event    

Connecticut Southwestern Area Clean Cities specializes in impact events. Whether it's on Zoom, an in-person  conference setting, outdoor demonstration event, workshop, ribbon cutting or a custom event, we deliver the results you need.

With the experience of managing and producing over 300 events, ranging from one hour to three weeks, we look forward to hearing  from you, and discussing how we can partner on an event that supports the CT Southwestern Area Clean Cities Mission.


Green your Fleet 

Do you want to have a green fleet, but not sure where to start? Call us today at 203 536 4695 and set up a Clarity Session with our Technical Assistance Specialist and get started today!

Solar Panel Roof
Pie Chart
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